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Polityka prywatności
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Getting here, entrance, help desk, ticket sales, cloakroom

The Town Hall’s entrance is less than 100 metres from the closest tram stop. Depending on the direction from which you arrived, you have to cross one or two pedestrian crosswalks. The curbs by the crosswalks are wheelchair-accessible. Four steps lead to the Town Hall’s entrance. On the right side of the stairs are handrails and a wheelchair ramp runs parallel to the building’s wall. The glass entrance doors open inwards. They do not open automatically and are quite heavy, which is why a porter, located inside the building by the entrance, is necessary to assist in opening them.
The help desk is an open space and is fully visible to visitors. Additionally, this layout makes it possible for the porter to approach visitors with necessary information and to provide quick assistance in opening the door. Ticket sales are to the left side of the main door, as well as a small museum gift shop. The cloakroom is located on the same floor. You can enter it from two directions, either by passing the porter’s station or from the direction of the sales and museum gift shop.

The restroom is located on the right side of the entrance. It is accessible for those using a wheelchair or for people with vision impairments. In the reception area there are no thresholds or other architectural barriers that would impede movement. The Town Hall on Wolnica Square has three floors. The visitor can use an elevator with a handrail. The elevator can be used with the assistance of a Museum staff member, tour guide or a porter.     

The space of the permanent exhibition
The permanent exhibition in the Town Hall occupies three floors:
  • The ground floor (the Kraków and Podhalański Rooms, a niche with a kiln, an oil mill, a fulling mill, a classroom and wooden architectural models in the hallway). On the ground floor by the entrance to the rooms, please pay attention to quite high thresholds which may be an obstacle for those with physical disabilities. An assistant can help you enter a room (with or without a wheelchair), and can also assist you throughout your entire visit at no additional cost. We kindly ask you to inform us about your need for assistance at least two days prior your planned visit.
  • The first floor (the gallery of folk costumes, the part of the exhibition dedicated to topics such as family and the peasant community, traditional economies, crafts and home manufacturing, musical instruments, and Christmas and Easter customs). Some exhibits are displayed in glass cases, some are placed on pedestals, while others are positioned behind special barriers. One can use a wheelchair on the first floor. There is a restroom located on the first floor, but it has not been adjusted to meet the needs of visitors with physical disabilities. Assistance will be provided by the trained staff members present in each room.  The closest restroom accessible to visitors with physical disabilities is located on the ground floor.
  • The second floor (“Unattainable Earth” – an art exhibition based on the collection of the Ethnographic Museum of Kraków). This exhibition includes paintings and sculptures which are not protected by glass cases or barriers. There are only a few, rather low, thresholds on the second floor. One may use a wheelchair on this floor, although assistance may be needed to cross these thresholds. Assistance will be provided by the trained staff members present in each room. There are no restrooms on the second floor. The closest restroom is located on the first floor, and the closest accessible restroom is on the ground floor.  
The permanent exhibition’s space includes:
  • benches and chairs for visitors
  • high-contrast warning signs indicating stairs and thresholds
  • plastic magnifying glasses for reading small text